Changes can continue being made to your RFQ, prior to you marking your RFQ as "Complete" or before the RFQ is closed by your customer. You can verify your RFQ's current Status in its field in the RFQ Details section. When ready, click on the button Complete to finish submitting your responses.


The Complete the RFQ modal window will ask you to verify that you've already submitted all of your line items responses. Be sure to check that none of your lines show as "Not-Submitted". When ready to complete your RFQ responses, then click on Confirm.


Your RFQ will now have a "Completed" status. This submits your final bid to your customer and alerts them that you are done responding. After you’ve marked your responses as completed, then the quote will be locked unless the customer re-opens the RFQ for you. You will need to contact your customer directly for assistance in unlocking your RFQ.

If a customer has closed an RFQ on their side, you’ll no longer be able to input responses for line items or upload an Excel file response. You’ll notice that fields within the table are no longer editable.
