The last action to complete your RFQ will be accepting your awarded lines. When lines are awarded by your customer to you in an RFQ, you can see the number of line items Awarded and how many of those you've Accepted within the RFQ summary bar in its Details.

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You’ll see the line item status of "To Be Accepted" (TBA) in the Acceptance column. Your awarded line items will have a number in their Quota column, which represents a percentage of the requested quantity awarded for that part in the RFQ. When a quota's number is less than 100, then that means your customer awarded you less than the RFQ’s requested quantity.


The Accept Award functionality utilizes the Acceptance column, and allows you to apply an “acceptance status” for each line in the RFQ that you were awarded. Therefore, you and your customer can know which “Awarded” lines were accepted or rejected by you.

When you click on the Accept Award button, then the Select Award Acceptance modal provides three status options:

  1. Accepted (ACC)
  2. Rejected (REJ)
  3. To Be Accepted (TBA) - Default


These statuses can be applied for "All items" in the RFQ or for "Selected items only". A line has to be marked as “Awarded” by your customer in order for you to be able to select an option for Acceptance. When you're ready, then click on Confirm to complete the status updates.

Awarded & Not-Accepted Filter

There is a Filter functionality available above your line items. When clicking on the dropdown, there is an option to filter by: “Show Awarded & Not-Accepted Only Items" within the RFQ.

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This filter display will show only your awarded line items that are in the “REJ” or “TBA” status. This enables you to easily identify which line items you still have to respond to in the RFQ.

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